
In the beginning of January we had Priesthood and Baptism Preview for Primary.

There is always a bit of things to do to plan them both but in the end they are so worth it.  It is one of the few times I can sit back and just watch these little children as they prepare for big events in their lives.  It is almost like finally seeing the fruit of your work.

This year did not disappoint.  It was a little hectic planning everything and having both meetings on a Sunday John was not around.  I had a lot of amazing help from lots of friends who helped watch my kids and even fed us all dinner.

Both meetings went fantastically well.  I had to hold back my tears at many moments. I had known for a few weeks that I would be released after Baptism and Priesthood Preview.  I didn’t actually realize that it would really be right after the meetings.

As soon as everyone went home and all was cleaned up I met with Bishop Baird and Brother Gordon.  They then released me as Primary President.

Being released came with mixed emotions.  I knew that I needed to be released.  I had served awhile in Primary.  I felt torn in so many directions.  There were many Sundays leading up to my release that I would just break down because I couldn’t give any more than I was giving and yet I still felt like it wasn’t enough.  When I was released I physically felt the weight of my calling lifted off of me. I have never felt like that, not even as a missionary.  Days later as I was reflecting on this I realized that all along I was not capable of all that I was accomplishing, it was only through the Lord’s help that I was able to do all that I did.  I also reflected on being President through a high risk pregnancy and then the first 6 months of Gianluca’s life.  While it wasn’t easy, I also believe I was blessed with the continued health I would need as I was pregnant because I was faithfully serving in my calling.  I didn’t really ever worry when I was pregnant that I could lose Gianluca even though the risks were always there.  Maybe serving in Primary and being so occupied with all of that was a blessing and a shield to me in some way. I don’t really know but I do know that I was blessed as I served.

I really love those Primary kids.  They are what I will miss the most. I will miss being able to be with them all Sundays.  Luckily, a lot of them go to the same school as my kids and so I get to see them on a weekly, if not daily basis walking the track at school.

It is an interesting thing being released. Crazily enough, I haven’t really been released many times from a calling unless it was due to moving.  So it feels really odd right now to be released and having no new calling.  I totally feel like I have been replaced.  And while I know this is necessary and I know the change will be good it is hard to be replaced. However,  I am going to try and enjoy my break from Primary and from a calling. I am sure it won’t last too long.


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I made baptism towels for all 8 kids being baptized this year as well as little swag bag.2013-01-15 16.27.58


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