Being Number 4

Being baby #4 means you have to easy going.  I am really grateful that Gianluca is good at going with the flow of our crazy family.  Some days we spend a lot of time in the car and running errands.  Some naps have to be taken in his car seat.  The other day he was struggling to fall asleep while we were out shopping. In fact he screamed on the top of his lungs as we were checking out.  However, as soon as we got in the car and started to move he crashed. I brought him in the house and just let him finish his little nap in his carseat.  He just looked so little (it is all relative, I know)  and innocent.  I don’t really want him to get big (I probably mean older).

2013-02-13 12.06.19 2013-02-13 12.06.25 2013-02-13 12.06.38 2013-02-13 12.06.41


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