Random June Pictures


Curtis has been complaining that his teeth hurt.  Off to the dentist we went.  He almost gagged getting x-rays. Ended up his toothache was a loose tooth.  I was happy to not have to pay for a filling but to fork over $78 to be told it was just a loose tooth was not fun.  The dentist recommended he see an orthodontist though. He doesn’t have enough room in his mouth for all of his teeth.    Next month we will see what the Ortho says.


Eating ice cream at the aquatic center.  We spent an hour and half playing in the water. The older kids did the water slides mostly.  Micah was in his own world playing with all the water spraying every which way.  Gianluca plays hard. He has no fear.  He was jumping in the water, running as fast as he could and tripping and falling face first into the water.  He would just get up and keep going.  He ran hard for an hour and then he crashed.  Then he just wanted to sit on my lap and rest.



Who needs clothes?

He doesn’t think he needs a diaper either.  He is always saying “stinky”.  When I take off the old diaper there is no stinky and he throws the biggest fit when I try to put the diaper back on.  He is figuring out the toilet though.  He likes to sit on it.  He has peed a few times and yesterday he did  a “poo-poo”.  The problem is he can’t get on or off the toilet by himself.  We will have to work on that.


You can’t tell it from this picture but the terrible twos have showed up a little early at our house.  This little guy can be a monster.  Right before this taken he was throwing a huge tantrum.  The hard thing is we have no idea why.  He just gets in a mood and just goes nuts.  I am hoping when he starts talking the tantrums will lessen.

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